Process Missing Data in Python

Detect Missing Values

Missing data can be filled with values like 'NA', 'NaN', '-', or '.' etc. To detect these values, we can

  1. use pandas.Series.unique() to find unique values and then check the first and the last element from the sorted list of unique values by numpy.sort();
  2. use to check if there are default missing values, 'NA's or 'NaN's, in a pandas DataFrame by columns; > check numeric variables further if they are reported as object with no missing values since a numeric variable will be treated as an object (a string variable) if numeric values are mixed with 'NA's or 'NaN's
  3. use pandas.DataFrame.describe() to check descriptive statistics of variables and their counts of non-missing values

Once missing values have been identified, we can reload data using pandas.read_csv() with specified na_value argument.

We can either fill missing values by imputation or delete them using pandas.DataFrame.dropna().

Detect Types of Missing


  • Missing Completely at Random (MCAR)

  • Missing at Random (MAR)

    There is a systematic relationship between missing value and other observed data, but not the variable itself. Since MAR is an assumption that is impossible to verify statistically, we must rely on its substantive reasonableness. Wikipedia Example: Males are less likely to fill in a depression survey but this has nothing to do with their level of depression, after accounting for maleness.

  • Missing not at Random (MNAR)

    To extend the previous example, this would occur if men failed to fill in a depression survey because of their level of depression. This also raises another concern of selection bias.

missingno.heatmap(), missingno.dendrogram(), and missingno.matrix() in Python package missingno can help us visualize the patterns of missing values.

Impute Values

  • Impute with mean, median, mode, and a constant using sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer() with specified strategy argument.

  • Impute with lead or lag values in a time-series data frame using pandas.DataFrame.fillna() with specified method (='bfill', 'ffill' and etc.) argument or pandas.DataFrame.interpolate() with specified method (='linear', 'nearest', 'quadratic' and etc.) argument.

    # Set nrows to 3 and ncols to 1
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(30, 20))
    # Create a dictionary of interpolated DataFrames for looping
    interpolations = {'Linear Interpolation': linear,
    'Quadratic Interpolation': quadratic,
    'Nearest Interpolation': nearest}
    # Loop over axes and interpolations
    for ax, df_key in zip(axes, interpolations):
    # Select and also set the title for a DataFrame
    interpolations[df_key].Ozone.plot(color='red', marker='o', linestyle='dotted', ax=ax)
    airquality.Ozone.plot(title=df_key + ' - Ozone', marker='o', ax=ax)

  • Impute with advanced models

    References: and

    • Nearest neighbors (KNN) imputation

      When imputing missing values for a categorical variable, we firstly transform the categorical variable to a numerical variable using OrdinalEncoder().fit_transform(X), then apply the imputation method, and lastly transform the imputed encoded variable back to the categorical using OrdinalEncoder().inverse_transform(X).

    • Multivariate feature imputation

      This method iteratively estimates a regression of every feature with missing values on other features, and uses regression predicts for imputation. It is very robust. However, we should keep an eye on the concern of information leakage if the dependent/target variable (or the dependent/target-related variables) of the final model is (are) used in the imputation.

Takeaway: The best imputation solution might vary by data sets. We can select the solution by comparing the final model performance using data sets processed by different imputation methods.